Public offer agreement

Publication date: 10.06.2021Update date: 10.06.2021
We've noticed that sometimes you need a basic legal document that won't cost you a fortune and is needed "yesterday." Simple and practical, easy to use for everyday affairs, without unnecessary embellishments and excessive risk insurance. At JurStore, you can purchase document templates for household purposes at mass-market prices.
This Agreement will regulate all aspects of our cooperation regarding your purchase of ready-to-use document templates.
Before placing an order and making a payment, please familiarize yourself with this Public Offer Agreement.
1. Terms used:
Seller - Law Firm "Inga Drobіnova and partners" (EDRPOU: 43181341), registered at the address - Odessa, Akademika Filatova Street, 13A, apartment 29, 65080, Ukraine.
Means of communication: email - au.moc.srentrapdi%40eciffo
Website - the website, all its links, pages, and content, through which you can buy and sell legal document templates.
JurStore - the web page, all its links and content, where the assortment of legal document templates is available, and through which you can place an order.
Legal document template - a legal document developed in accordance with the current legislation to meet specific legal needs of individuals or legal entities, created in the process of legal activities, adapted for independent use without additional legal consultations by entering personal information and selecting relevant obligations from the proposed list for specific legal relations.
Buyer - an individual/legal entity who has placed an order, made a payment, and gained access to the selected Legal Document Template (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer," "You," "Your").
Order - a request made and paid for through the Website for obtaining a Legal Document Template or a set of templates.
Personal data - information or a combination of information about an identified or identifiable individual based on the relevant information.
2. General provisions
2.1. This offer is an official proposal from "" represented by the Seller to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement for Legal Document Templates remotely, without additional consultation support, i.e., through JurStore (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"), which is posted as a Public Offer (proposal) on the official website of the Seller ""
2.2. In accordance with Articles 633 and 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, this Agreement is a Public Offer (a proposal to conclude a contract on the terms set out in it without the right to change them), and in case of acceptance (acceptance) of the conditions set forth below, any capable individual or legal entity placing an Order on the Website automatically becomes a party to this Agreement and undertakes to fulfill the conditions of this Agreement.
2.3. This Agreement is a public offer (applicable to an indefinite number of persons) to conclude a Purchase and Sale Agreement for a Legal Document Template and contains all necessary essential conditions of the Agreement.
2.4. By accepting this Agreement, the Buyer confirms that he/she is fully acquainted with and agrees to its terms, and also gives permission for the processing of his/her Personal Data by the Seller, its contractors, lawyers, for the purpose of fulfilling the conditions of this Agreement, enabling settlements, and so on.
2.5. The Seller reserves the right to make changes to the Agreement unilaterally.
2.6. The moment of full and unconditional acceptance of the Seller's proposal (acceptance) by the Buyer to conclude an electronic purchase and sale agreement is considered to be the fact of payment by the Buyer for the order on the terms of this Agreement, within the deadlines and at the prices indicated in the Seller's JurStore.
3. Subject of the Agreement
3.1. The Seller undertakes to transfer ownership of the Order with the purchased Legal Document Template to the Buyer, which is processed by the Buyer through JurStore, and the Buyer undertakes, on the terms and in the manner determined by this Agreement, to pay for and receive it in full.
3.2. This Agreement regulates the purchase and sale of Legal Document Templates in JurStore, including:- voluntary selection of Legal Document Templates by the Buyer in JurStore;- independent placement of an order by the Buyer in JurStore;- payment by the Buyer for the Order placed in JurStore;- processing and sending of the Order to the Buyer, transfer of ownership of the Legal Document Template on the terms of this Agreement.
3.3. This Agreement is concluded by the unconditional accession of the Buyer to this Agreement, i.e., by accepting (acceptance) of the conditions of this Agreement by the Buyer, which occurs automatically after pressing the "buy" button and payment through the Wayforpay system without any conditions, exceptions, amendments, or reservations. Any subsequent denial by the Buyer regarding the provision of his/her consent in this way relieves the Seller of any liability for non-performance of the conditions of this Agreement.
3.4. The Seller's place of business is considered the place of conclusion of this Agreement.
4. Order processing procedure
4.1. Order processing procedure
4.1.1. The Legal Document Template is provided to the Buyer only after placing an Order in JurStore.
4.1.2. The person who wishes to purchase the Legal Document Template and place an Order must choose a specific type of offered document templates and press the "Buy" button on the Website.
4.1.3. When placing an Order, the Buyer must provide the following information: first name, last name, patronymic, contact mobile phone number, email address, Instagram social media nickname (optional). Additionally, the Buyer has the right to leave specific notes or comments when placing the Order.
4.1.4. After entering the contact information, the Buyer is given the opportunity to make an online payment for the Order in JurStore.
4.1.5. After the payment is deducted, the Buyer gains access to the Legal Document Template, or the copy/copies are sent within 24 hours to the email address provided by the Buyer when placing the Order.
5. Price and payment procedure for the Service Order
5.1. The price of each Legal Document Template is indicated in JurStore.
5.2. The price of this Agreement is equal to the price of the Order placed through JurStore. The Order is fulfilled only after a 100% prepayment.
5.3. The Buyer pays for the Order online in a non-cash form through the WayForPay payment system. You can familiarize yourself with the WayForPay terms of use at the following link: [link]. The Seller is not responsible for any malfunctions or issues with the payment system.
5.4. The Order is considered paid by the Buyer when the necessary amount is received into the Seller's account. Until the necessary amount is received, the Order is considered unpaid.
5.5. The Buyer is responsible for paying any commissions associated with the payment of the Order's cost, according to the tariffs in effect at the time of payment, as determined by the bank or payment system.
5.6. All taxes and fees related to the execution of this Agreement, fees in the territory of the parties' country, as well as expenses related to the execution of this Agreement, shall be borne by the parties in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
5.7. The Legal Document Template is not subject to exchange and/or return, considering the specific nature of the Seller's product.
6. Rights and obligations of the Buyer
6.1. The Buyer is obliged to fully comply with the terms of this Agreement and not to take actions aimed at destabilizing the operation of the Website.
6.2. The Buyer must pay for the Order at the specified prices in JurStore.
6.3. The Buyer is responsible for familiarizing themselves with this Agreement and the information related to the activities of JurStore on the Website, including any changes and amendments to this Agreement.
6.4. The Buyer undertakes not to transfer or alienate their Legal Document Template to third parties without the written consent of the Seller.
6.5. The Buyer undertakes not to violate the provisions of the Agreement and to respect the legal rights and interests of the Seller.
6.6. The Buyer undertakes not to infringe on the Seller's copyright, specifically not to copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, or disclose to the public or third parties the purchased Legal Document Template or any information contained therein without the prior written consent of the Seller.
7. Rights and obligations of the Seller
7.1. The main obligation of the Seller is the conclusion of the Agreement entered into in Legal Entity.
7.2. The Seller of the Order will contact the Buyer within 24 (twenty four) working hours after completing the Order and send him an example of the legal document Template or give him access beforehand.
8. Liability. Limitation of liability8.1. The Seller and the Buyer are responsible for fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
8.2. The Seller is not liable for improper or untimely fulfillment of the Order under this Agreement if the Buyer provides false or inaccurate information when placing the Order.
8.3. The Buyer is not liable for:
the Legal Document Template not meeting the Buyer's expectations;delays and disruptions in the fulfillment of the Order due to technical reasons beyond the Seller's control;malfunctions in the WayForPay payment system;the Buyer's transmission of Personal Data to the WayForPay payment system;the Buyer's transfer of their network identifiers to third parties.8.4. The parties are released from liability for full or partial non-performance of the terms of this Agreement in the event that such non-performance was caused by unforeseen or insurmountable circumstances and such events affected the ability of the party to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement.
8.5. The aforementioned circumstances include: wars, natural disasters, strikes, fires, adverse weather conditions such as natural disasters, road accidents, riots and uprisings, legislative acts issued by legislative and/or executive authorities, including decrees of local self-government bodies, equipment or property breakdowns, interruptions in power supply networks, website hacking attacks, website viruses, and other circumstances that affect the quality and timely fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement.
8.6. In the event of force majeure circumstances that prevent timely and quality fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Parties are obliged to notify each other in writing immediately (within two days).
8.7. If the aforementioned circumstances persist for more than 2 months, either Party may notify the other Party in writing of the termination of this Agreement.
8.8. In the event of force majeure circumstances, the Parties are released from fulfilling the terms of this Agreement for the duration of the relevant circumstances.
9. Intellectual Property Rights

9.1. This Website, Agreement, and all Legal Document Templates in JurStore are objects of intellectual property and belong to the Seller from the moment of creation, and are also subject to protection in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, international agreements, and conventions.

9.2. Any copying of information, text, images, video or audio recordings, other data, trademarks and logos, elements of the Website, Seller's Legal Document Template will be considered a violation of the Seller's copyright and may be grounds for legal action against the infringer, in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

10. Final Provisions

10.1. In the event of disputes or discrepancies related to this Agreement, the Parties shall make every effort to resolve them through negotiations.

10.2. All claims, proposals, and comments will be considered by the Seller if submitted in writing and sent to the Seller's email address specified on the website, within 1 (one) month from the date of sending the letter by the Buyer.

10.3. This Agreement and the relationship between the Buyer and the Seller are governed and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. Matters not regulated by the Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

10.4. The Buyer guarantees that all the terms of this Agreement are clear to them and they accept them unconditionally and in full, without any reservations or exclusions.

10.5. By placing an Order, the Buyer agrees to receive advertising, technical, and informational messages from the Seller.
