Better than Tom Cruise.There are no impossible mission for us.
● Client (client’s business) and everything that matters to him is important.
● Solving the problems in one place – "all inclusive",no matter how complex it may be, as we value your time.
● Knowledge, in addition to the laws, of all the system intricacies and bureaucracy flaws, psychology, conflict resolution techniques, anti-crisis management, business, mediation, peculiarities of negotiations, military strategies, special methods of the special services, and many other put at your service tools that you will surely give you exactly the right solution of the problem.
● Valuables are not sold (if you are our client, then there are no such money, connections and compromises for which we would set you adrift or wimp out).
● Client’s emotions are important just enough for you to believe that they are of care for someone in order to continue playing the role of customer-focused
● Specialization is broader, but usually limited to the fieldof law. This is enough for working with individuals.For legal entities – no more.
● Knowledge of laws, but more often – of the right people
● Values are sold, but only at a high price, so that the riskis worth it.
● Your emotions and pain are not important (therefore order emotional support, crisis management separately).
● Narrow specialization in a limited range of matters (therefore, it will be necessary to involve several others to find an answer to the entire problem, as in real life the problems do not arise only strictly in one field practiced by a lawyer).
● Knowledge of laws and writing "correct documents" for you (but not that you need to get a result).
● Values are easily sold (if the counterparty pays more, why not to abandon client you or stop defending him?).
high service price
average service price
low service prices
customer’s dollars savings in disputes
of won cases that hada chance of only 5% -10%
of won cases
yearsof experience
Tax optimization, settlement of tax disputes
Settlement of labor relations and conflicts
Drafting of contracts, consulting support at conclusion, ensuring their implementation.
Permits and licenses
Disputes settlement. Effective communication with contractors. Effective negotiations and business mediation.
Judicial representation and protection of violated rights and interests
1. Import-export operations. Customs clearance of goods. Appeal against customs actions.
Ensuring the implementation of foreign economic activity. Agreements, permits, certification, licensing, currency and banking regulation.
International trade. Supply of goods and services. Contracts and consulting support. Judicial and extrajudicial settlement of commercial disputes. Arbitration
Sea and air carriage. Documentary support. Disputes settlement.
Litigation and out-of-court settlement of disputes under maritime claims.
Припинення шлюбу. Судовий та позасудовий порядок.
Вирішення сімейних спорів. Медіація, проведення переговорів.
Аліменти, визначення місця проживання дитини, спори про батьківство, дозвіл на виїзд дитини за кордон.
Усиновлення та позбавлення батьківських прав.
Майнові спори подружжя та інших осіб, які спільно проживають однією сім'єю.
Укладення шлюбу, припинення шлюбу з іноземцем, майнові спори з іноземним елементом.
Termination of marriage. Judicial and extrajudicial proceedings.
Settlement of family disputes. Mediation, negotiations.
Child support payments, determining the child's place of residence, paternity disputes, permit for a child to go abroad
Adoption and deprivation of parental rights.
Property disputes between spouses and other people living together as one family
Litigation in private cases (injury, family disputes, etc.)
Administrative litigation
Commercial litigation
Litigation of bringing to administrative responsibility
Criminal litigation
Museum affairs
Theaters and movies. Festivals and cultural events
Cultural heritage
Fashion. Design and photography
Legal consulting of creative activity
Trade in luxury goods
Trade in luxury goods
Changes are not easy. You cannot always force yourself to start a new life from Monday, but imagine how difficult it is to change the country, laws, and defend justice in the interests of entire social groups?
However, the good news is that we know how to force huge, slow, inflexible systems to change their trajectory in the direction we want. And that's why we're ready to make the changes you want actually happen, even when the whole world is against you.
Especially then.
In times of crises, recessions and turbulent periods, it is necessary to switch the company to a different management style in order to steer out of the storm in which it finds itself.
And that's why we've expanded our expertise so that you don't have to deal with this problem alone.
We will take this pain away from you, we will go through the economic storm side by side with you and return the helm to you as soon as everything calms down and you can continue to calmly lead your business to new horizons.
You can employ an image maker and copywriter who will create the right marketing image, but it is impossibleto imitate the essence.
CEO, Founder "ID Partners Law Firm", lawyer, human rights defender, blogger, mediator
In my personal opinion, business is always built in the in the image and semblance ofa founder: his/her way of thinking, his/her values, his/her content as a person.